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Players use “brooms” — lacrosse sticks with a small paddle at the end — to pass and shoot the ball into the opposing team’s net. The biggest challenge is staying upright. It does help that you can also kick the ball — but only to control it, not to shoot at the goal.

For More Info:

Kathi Singleton

Executive Director

Phone: 713-621-1500 or 214.335.5186

Don't Want to Skate?



You and your friends will have the ice skating rink to yourselves!
Broomball is played on the ice in shoes so no skating experience is required. If you can walk or run you can play Broomball! 
Broomball is a great group entertainment, exercise, and ridiculously fun time!



Fun for:

  • Youth Groups
  • Church Groups
  • Work Team Building
  • Fraternity/Sorority Parties

We provide the brooms and the nets.
Recommended attire: longs pants, soft soled tennis shoes, (or broomball shoes) knee pads and elbow pads.


  • We rent the ice by hour 
  • Price is $440.00 per hour. 
  • Broomball sticks are included

Renters of private ice must take full responsibility for the ice rental cost and liability. No Refunds will be issued.